Van Plan

Hello, my name's Andrew, and this is my plan to change my life over the next twelve months and buy a travel van to live/work in by summer of 2024.

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Publish the Van Plan video to kickoff my challenge and hold me accountable to my goals.


Sell my iPad and switch to an e ink tablet, so I can hardcore focus on my challenges.

($1000 of $5000)

Save up $5,000 to put a 10% deposit down on a Ford Transit travel van by summer of 2024.

($1250 of $2500)

Build my content creation income up to $2,500/mo, so I can get a loan to finance the van.

(33 of 50)

Film fifty barefoot shoes reviews, so I can make a "Best 50" video and get to #1 on YouTube.

(2 of 12)

Complete twelve self-improvement challenges around food, filmmaking, writing, and more.